What does UPRS (Uganda Performing Right Society) do?
UPRS as a collective management organization (CMO) helps entities that play music as part of their business activities like radio stations, shops, clubs, televisions etc. obtain permission from copyright owners for the use of their music. This service help authors or performers avoid overwhelming requests and time-consuming negotiations for payment and licenses.
UPRS Membership is open to all copyright owners like performers, songwriters, publishers, producers etc. The organization is limited by guarantee is owned by the members themselves.
UPRS main role is to collect royalties through licensing agreements with music users and later distribute the same inform of royalties to our members such as author, publisher, phonogram producer, or performer. These licenses cover all kinds of music use, whether it is for digital, broadcast or public performance.
UPRS through its several international mandates with foreign CMOs called reciprocal representation agreements licenses musical works of its foreign CMO members in Uganda. Through this arrangement UPRS is affiliated to most of the major record labels that control most of the foreign music consumed in Uganda through the International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI) for example Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group etc.
Click here to learn more about our affiliates.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is copyright?
Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression. In copyright law, there are many different types of works, including paintings, photographs, illustrations, musical compositions, sound recordings, computer programs, books, poems, blog posts, movies, architectural works, plays, and so much more!
Why should copyright be protected?
Copyright protection is important because it encourages creativity, protects creators’ rights, and gives creators economic rewards.
As well, Copyright is property like any other! The investments like skill, effort and time dedicated to compose a song needs to be rewarded. Not anybody can compose a song! So for others to utilize your song, they ought to reward you for the same.

Where does UPRS derive its mandate?
UPRS derives its mandate from the copyright law, its membership who assign the right to it to administer the service rights in their works and our regulator Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
Why should I pay for music?
Music is a business investment like any other and it requires many finances to be created and produced hence the copyright law of 2006 provides for protection of this investment. For any commercial usage of this music, one needs permission from the copyright owners and this comes in form of a copyright music License that will legally permit you to exploit the said music.
Who are the users of music?
Does your business or establishment play music in public? If so, that makes you a Music User! Therefore, you need to contact UPRS for your music License.

Below is a list of some of the music users;

a. Aircraft
B. Beaches and similar open-air premises
C. Live music performances
D. Memory cards and memory sticks
E. Blank tape levy
F. Juke boxes
G. Hotels, guesthouses and similar multi-roomed establishments
H. Amusement arcades, parks and fairgrounds
I. Roadhouses, take aways and similar premises
J. Bars, gardens, pubs and similar premises
K. Restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and similar premises
L. Shops, stores, showrooms, offices, banks, gym and similar premises
M. Light music concerts
N. Sports betting and similar premises
O. Hairdressing salons and barbers’ shops
P. Musical shows in halls, theatres and auditoriums
Q. Clubs
R. Paid up live music performances
S. Ringtone service providers
T. Radio and television diffusion services
U. Recorded music as an accompaniment to karaoke, mimes, cabaret, dancing or floor shows
V. Hotels, restaurants and similar premises
W. Buses, motor coaches, taxis and mini buses
X. Mobile disc jockeys
Y. Discotheques and dance halls
Z. Race tracks, sports stadiums and similar open-air premises
Aa. And many more…

But isn’t my business promoting your members’ music?
It’s true we need your business to use our member’s music. However, your business equally needs our music to support their businesses. Good music creates a great ambience for your customers in the business hence more sales. Therefore, to enable our members create more and more music for your business, they need to be rewarded to motivate them.
My business only uses international music! Do I still need the UPRS license?
Yes, you will still need the Copyright music license from UPRS since it protects the international music too by virtue of reciprocal representation from the societies where the owners of this music are members.
When you infringe copyright:
Using music in your business without authorization or a license from your local CMO (UPRS) is ILLEGAL and is termed as infringement. When you do so;
 You make musicians poorer.
 Government loses taxes.
 The Uganda police will arrest you and prosecute you!
 You commit an offence and are liable for persecution under the courts of law under the copyright and Neighboring Rights Act 2006.