Music Copyright Law Enforcement
Music Copyright Law Enforcement started
On the 14th day of August 2019, Copyright inspectors in collaboration with the police, URSB, and UPRS started operations invading all premises / music users that have not complied with the Copyright Law.
The Team visited Bars (users) around Kireka and surrounding areas. These users included New Victoria Club, Linda Bar, 4matic and Totez among others. All the aforementioned bars are users of copyrighted music but have since deliberate declined to pay the requisite license fees.
The Law gives UPRS the mandate to outer and seize any equipment being used to breach the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act (2006). This operation was entirely presented on the Law.
We therefore implore all users of Copyrighted music to comply with the Law. Those in default are further advised to clear all fees due to avoid such inconveniences. Addition fees of 50% of the amount in default will be charged for any seized equipment to be released.