• info@uprs.go.ug
  • Plot 2240, Diplomat Zone, Kansanga Ggaba Rd. P. O. Box 102466, Kampala

Licensing Agents Training

Training workshop for UPRS Licensing Agents by IFPI and SAMPRA

What is the role of UPRS as a Music CMO (Collective Management Organization)?
Two days Training workshop for UPRS Licensing Agents by IFPI and SAMPRA at Esella Country Hotel Kira, April 6th to 7th 2022.
1. We monitor when, where and what members’ works are used.
2. We negotiate tariffs and other music usage conditions with users on behalf of our members (local and international members).
3. We license the usage of protected works on behalf of both local and foreign Members (through Reciprocal Representation Agreements).
3. We collect the fees from users and distribute these to the rights holders (Both Local and International) whose works have been used.

Plot 35, House 5A Bukoto Drive Kampala
P.O.Box 102466 Kampala
+256 414 254 170
+256 414 669 908
+256 771 952 357
+256 751 067 197

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